Another Small Press

Contemporary Fiction

Eight picaresque ballads of life in the East Midlands – and sometimes beyond – by mild mannered anarchist & writer Martin Costello.

The story the author had always been trying to write is not included in this collection but happily is now complete after 22 years of editing.

ISBN 978-0-9957127-0-6
101 pages, £4.99 print version

Historical Fiction

A recently-discovered treasure trove of war stories, written by an anonymous bomber pilot and handed over to historical researcher Adrian Bean to see the light of day after more than 70 years hidden away in a box of momentos.

Dark, poignant, introspective and chilling.

ISBN 978-0-9957127-1-3
119 pages, £4.99 print version


What happens when life seems to present us with an overload of impossibilities? How do we cling on as we slowly lose our grasp on life itself?

A deeply personal, brutally honest account of mental health issues and painful events that impacted the author’s life over a long period of time.

ISBN 978-0-9957127-3-7
178 pages, £7.99 print version


In a Classical Greek comedy by Aristophanes, cuckoos were challenged by the gods to build a city in the clouds. Ever since, the phrase has been a reference to impossible plans, unrealistic schemes and crazy dreams.

Every page turn is an encounter with a new joy, and old friend, a common foe.

ISBN 978-0-9957127-4-4
228 pages, £9.99 print version


A short conversation about the death of a relative in the war started the author on a journey that would obsess him for nearly two years. Who was this relative  – how did he die, and why?

Sometimes funny, often disturbing, always honest, What Happened is a book about  loss and acceptance.

ISBN 978-0-9957127-5-1
355 pages, £9.99 print version

Independent Publishers

Founded in Newark, Nottinghamshire in 2023, Another Small Press is listening for outside voices & reading unique writing, to present these small volumes across a range of genres and categories.

In 2023-24 we have issued five works, and will be publishing a further five in the coming year. 

Virtual shop now open!

5 volumes
Stylish print for new writing